Andrew Broad National Champion of Champions Winner 2018

Ronnie and Kevin Williams – National Senior Pairs Runners Up 2018
Amy Rose National Runners Up 2018
Mark Sturtridge, Paul Sturtridge and Ian Ball National Triples Losing Semi Finalists 2018
Nicky Gilbert National Two Singles Losing Semi Finalist 2018
Ladies and Gentlemen,
I am greatly honoured to be your County President in 2018, I will be the eleventh since unification, the past two years have been busy first as Junior then as Senior Vice President.
I welcome John Harding to the Presidential team I’m sure he will enjoy his journey. I would also like to wish Jennie Maunder as my Senior a good term in office and all members of the Executive a trouble-free year.
I would like to thank my Club Dunheved for all the support given, and look forward for what is going to be another busy year. I would also like to thank Group 2 for their support and the many, many good wishes sent.
At every County AGM it frightens me the number of members who have sadly passed away, so it is up to us to try and get new members to join the game we all love.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a great season and most of all a healthy one.
Yours sincerely,
Peter Prynne
Bowls Cornwall President 2018
Norman Coad of Carnon Downs won the National Senior Singles in 2017