On Tuesday 1st May the Bowls Cornwall Presdent, Roger Priestley, welcomed the Bowls England President, Stuart Lake and his men’s representative team to Kensey Vale Bowling Club.
The occasion was the opening match of the 2012 season to celebrate 100 years of men’s bowling in Cornwall and the Bowls England team included representatives from 12 different Counties. The Cornwall side included 11 Past Presidents and 2 Past Officers of Cornwall.
The visitors were treated to a buffet lunch before assembling on the green to be welcomed by Nicola Gilbert, President of Kensey Vale Bowling Club. Following the introductions, both teams took part in a “spider” in aid of Visualy Impaired Bowls England which raises funds towards the Visually Impaired National Championships to be held at Worthing from Saturday 7th to Friday 13th July 2012 and the World Championships to be held at Worthing from Saturday 6th to Friday 19th July 2013. The spider raised £51.00.
The match was played in bright sunshine and despite the recent spells of torrential rain the greeen was in excellent condition, a credit to the club green keepers. The match resulted in a win for Cornwall 140 – 100.
The bowlers and guests were treated to an excellent tea and Roger thanked the club members and their Secretary, Alan Addis for their outstanding efforts to make the day a successful one. In proposing a toast to Bowls England Roger said visits to Counties and Clubs on special occasions such as this were really appreciated. He took the opportunity of thanking ?Stuart and the National Officers for their work on behalf of bowlers, particularly the organistion each year of the final stages of national championships and competitions.
The Cornwall highest winning rink of Chris Herman, Alan Addis, David Parr and Mike Tout was presented with gold spoons by the Bowls England President. A celebration cake featuring the Centenary Badge in black and gold, was presented to Roger by Christine Hore, Bowls Cornwall Administrator and Jean Wilkins, Bowls Cornwall Immediate Past President.
This will be a busy year for Roger and the Bowls Cornwall Officers with celebration matches arranged against the four founder clubs of Cornwall Bowling Association: Falmouth, Helston, Truro and Penzance, four Counties of the old South West Counties Bowling Association: Devon, Dorset Somerset and Wiltshire and the four Bowls Cornwall Groups as well as the Cornwall County Past Presidents Association and the Cornwall County Vice Presidents Association.