Middleton Cup/Balcomb Trophy 2024

Middleton Cup Bowls Cornwall v Wiltshire at Taunton Vivary Park on Saturday 20th July
P. Thomas, C Allen, D Parr, C. Binny 17 v M Snell 22
S Allen, G Tinker, A Broad, I Drew 10 v M Titcombe 21
M Eddy, R Teague, A Brooks, T Phillips 10 v S Edwards 21
H Tinker, A Braund, P Sturtridge, A Seth 21 x N Collett 11
M Sturtridge, N Laity, L Thomas, B Cotton 15 v R Francis 21
K Williams, K Sargent, D Mudge, A Williams 19 v S Snell 17

Bowls Cornwall 93 v Wiltshire 114
Bowls Cornwall lost by 21 shots

Reserves: A Jiggens, J Moore, F Williams

Middleton Cup Bowls Cornwall v Warwickshire at North Petherton on Saturday 6th July
P. Thomas, C Allen, D Parr, C. Binny 23 v T Millership 29
S Allen, G Tinker, A Broad, I Drew 23 v G Ashby 19
M Eddy, R Teague, A Brooks, T Phillips 21 v A Walters 25
H Tinker, A Braund, P Sturtridge, A Seth 22 x M Ireland 20
M Sturtridge, N Laity, L Thomas, B Cotton 16 v A Smith 23
K Williams, K Sargent, D Mudge, A Williams 25 v D Box 13

Bowls Cornwall 130 – Warwickshire 129
Bowls Cornwall won by 1 shot 16 points v 6

Reserves: A Jiggens, J Moore

Balcomb Trophy Regional Finals Cornwall v Dorset at Ilminster on Sunday 23rd June
M Sturtridge, P Sturtridge, A Broad, I Drew
A Williams, D Mudge, A Brooks, C Binny

Reserve: T Phillips

Middleton Cup Bowls Cornwall v Worcestershire at Wellington on Saturday 15th June
P. Thomas, N Laity, D Parr, C. Binny 19 v J Oliver 16
S Allen, G Tinker, A Broad, I Drew 25 v A Wills 21
M Eddy, R Teague, A Brooks, T Phillips 28 v R Stanley 8
H Tinker, K Sargent, P Sturtridge, A Seth 19 v S Poynor14
M Sturtridge, J Moore, B Cotton, J Stafford 16 v R Moule 22
K Williams, C Allen, D Mudge, A Williams 18 v M Cuthbert 15

Bowls Cornwall 125 v Worcestershire 96
Bowls Cornwall won by 29 shots, 20 points – 2 points

Reserves: A. Braund, A Jiggens, L Thomas, F Williams

Balcomb Trophy Cornwall v Gloucestershire at Ilminster on Sunday 2nd June
M Sturtridge, P Sturtridge, A Broad, I Drew 19 v T Holmes 17
A Williams, D Mudge, A Brooks, C Binny 24 v L Williamson 19

Bowls Cornwall 43 – Gloucestershire 36
Bowls Cornwall won by 7 shots

Middleton Cup Bowls Cornwall v Somerset at St. Austell on Saturday 1st June
P. Thomas, N Laity, D Parr, C. Binny 17 v J Amery 15
S Allen, G Tinker, A Broad, I Drew 18 v L White 21
M Eddy, R Teague, A Brooks, T Phillips 25 v J Sparey 19
H Tinker, K Sargent, P Sturtridge, A Seth 16 v N Pearce 14
M Sturtridge, J Moore, B Cotton, J Stafford 22 – A Bedford 20
K Williams, C Allen, D Mudge, A Williams 21 – M Hamilton 20

Bowls Cornwall 119 – Somerset 109
Bowls Cornwall won by 10 shots 20 points – 2 points

Reserves: A. Braund, A Jiggens, L Thomas

Middleton Cup Trial Day Saturday 4th May 2024
at St. Austell Bowling Club

Red Team
L Thomas, D Parr, N Laity, C Binny
S Allen, G Tinker, A Broad, I Drew
M Sturtridge, P Sturtridge, B Cotton, M Read
A Jiggens, J Moore, N Stephens, J Stafford

Yellow Team
K Butler, A Helleur, C Allen, A Brooks
M Eddy, R Teague, D Mudge, T Phillips
H Tinker, K Sargent, S Martin, A Seth
P Thomas, K Williams, A Laity, A Williams

S Carr, F Hawkey, T Kellow, J Wombwell

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